2025 Spring GA Boys Volleyball Registration is Now Open!

Guardian Angels Boys Volleyball Registration is Now Open!

Registration is open for boys in grades 3-8.


Practices may begin as early as February 17th, but the season starts on March 10th. Boys Volleyball plays in a 6-week season. No games will be played during Holy Week (week of 4/14) or Spring Break (week of 4/21). As a result, there will be four weeks of two matches with the Tournament May 5-9th. For more information on the schedule, please go to the GCCYS website.


The Spring season is scheduled different than most due to other sport conflicts. We will also encourage coaches to be understanding of multi-sport athletes’ schedules. Most of the matches are played on Monday-Thursday evening with start times between 6 pm-8 pm. Some matches will be played on Friday evenings, but the league will avoid scheduling matches on Saturday and Sunday.


Evaluations are TENTATIVELY scheduled for the last week in January (1/29 & 1/31). Depending on the number of registrants, we will follow up with your son’s appropriate evaluation date/time.


If you are interested in coaching a boys volleyball team, please reach out to Joe Julkowski at guardianangelsvolleyball@gmail.com.

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